Monday, May 4, 2020

Learning for Monday 4th May...

Ko  Rāhina tenei ra.  Today is Monday 4th May
Here are the activities for the day, find one that you are interested in, or do all of them, whatever suits you and your family...
To begin each day, let’s start with the karakia 
Activity 1:  Rhonda shared this activity with me...
Can you make a hut out of blankets inside or if you have a backyard,
maybe you could find a spot outside and look for a tree to hang a blanket over
and build a fort...

Pick a spot in your house or backyard where you can build a

reading fort.

Use items from your home to build your fort.

You can read, draw, play games, or just enjoy hanging out in your fort.

Take a photo of your fort with you reading a book inside.

Tell me what things you used to build your fort with.

Draw a picture of your fort and send it to me if you’d like too.
Activity 2:  Writing Time:

Today I would like you to have a bit of a refresh on our sounds and letters of the

You will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and the link above. 

Listen to the link first, then I would like you to listen to it again, but this time,
write the letters down on your piece of paper…

Can you remember them?  How many can you remember?


Listen to the story above.  Harold loved to make his own world. 
He looked around him and created a story with his crayon.
Take a piece of paper and choose a colour, Harold's colour was
purple...what will your colour be?

Draw a picture of a world that you’d like to live in, perhaps you
could record yourself telling me about your picture.  
Activity 4:
Complete Mathletics tasks set by your teacher.  
Mathletics - Junior Syndicate Blog
Activity 5:
Log on to Sunshine Classics with your own logSunshine Classics - Apps on Google Playin
and read some stories or have them read to you.  

Have a look at the follow-up activities too. 

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