Friday, March 26, 2021

Kids Can Fundraiser - Dress up as your Role Model

This term we have been learning about role models. We have been thinking about 'who' our role models are and most importantly 'why' someone is our role model. On Friday March 26th our whole school raised money for the KidsCan charity by dressing up as a role model they admire.

Room 4s Role Models

A ballerina...

An astronaut and a nurse

A builder and a policeman

Friday, March 12, 2021

When I Grow Up....

I'm absolutely loving this weeks art and writing around the theme of "When I grow up"... Some of Room 4s students are very clear about what they what to be when they grow up, while others instantly changed their minds. If you look closely you will see that some of the pictures don't quite match the writing! We had a lot of fun with this topic and it generated lots of interesting discussions.