Thursday, April 20, 2017

Harvest Festival and Butter Making

We had a yummy, scrummy week making our own, delicious, creamy butter and making kebabs to share with our buddies.

Shake, shake, shake the jar...

Everybody had a turn shaking the jar of cream to make the butter.

Here is the blob of butter... delish!

Now for the fun part of eating the butter.  Careful with the knife!

Some people liked basil and some people didn't.  

And now for the washing up.  Thank you for helping!

Project Energize

As part of Healthy Eating and promoting good well-being, we had a visit from Erin who talked about foods that were good to eat.  Foods that helped us either Grow, Glow, Go or Slow.  See if your children can remember the foods we talked about, below are some pictures to help them remember.

Up, Up and away

We loved seeing the hot air balloons floating over our school, we loved them so much, we decided to make our own.

Balloons over Waikato are something really special and part of our place (Turangawaewae)