Monday, March 12, 2018

Painting caterpillars and butterflies

We have been learning about how caterpillars change into butterflies.  This process is called Metamorphosis...
Here is a butterfly that has been tagged for an experiment to see what butterflies do and where they go.  Check out the link to find out more about this experiment.
Tagging butterflies

Look at the butterfly that has just emerged from its chrysalis

This caterpillar became a chrysalis in a pretty funny spot!  Can you see it?

Munching caterpillars!

1 comment:

  1. I really like how your class made pictures of caterpillars and butterflies,
    I wonder where you found them and if your going to let them go or make it your class pet.
    Next time you might want to make some signs on where the caterpillar are and the butterfly's,~Maria,Quartez RM 8
