Thursday, February 27, 2020

Swimming Action

The pictures tell the story...
Our students are learning about water confidence, safety, and water skills.  Thank you for sending the swimming gear every day.  

Our Pepeha's

As part of our Turangawaewae focus, we have been looking at 'Our Place'.  Every student in Room 4 has made a book called 'Tōku Pepeha' which means 'My Pepeha'.  These books will stay at school so we can practice saying our Pepeha, however, I have made a copy of this and it is in your child's home book this week.    The illustrations are fantastic as you will see from the examples below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Busy learners

Play is a crucial part of learning and is valued greatly...

Our learners have been creating a beautiful Pepeha booklet.  We will be learning to read our Pepeha ourselves.  Watch this space.

Play at its best!
Building a castle together...

'I am Special' was the Poem of the Week last week and will come home illustrated in Home books.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Welcome to Room 4

Kia ora tamariki and whānau.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all in Room 4.  My name is Shelley and I like to be called Shelley by the children.  Here is my Pepeha.  A little bit about me and where I come from.

We have an action-packed term ahead.  We are starting off with our Turangawaewae unit - Which looks at 'our place'.  We will be swimming every day, so bring your swimming gear.  Make sure everything is labeled so we don't loose clothes.

Please do come and introduce yourselves to me.  I love meeting the whānau of the tamariki I teach.