Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Some visitors to Room 5

Look who came to visit...

Snownormous, Batman, Snowgirl and Tom Tom.

The kittens were sooooooo fluffy and soft...

Some of the kittens had sharp claws...

Snowgirl tried to escape...

Friday, February 20, 2015

Room 5 writers and Room 9 Buddies

We are very lucky in Room 5 to have an awesome buddy class.  Room 9 comes to read and play games with us every Friday.  See if you can see a picture of our buddies.

We are fabulous writers in Room 5...
First we draw our story on the smiley face page, then we use letters to write words.
Our buddies...
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Crazy Cricket...

 We had a special cricket session with two coaches...

We learnt how to throw and catch a small ball and hit the ball using the flat side of the bat.  It was hot!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Swimming and Art

We are in Room 5...

Look at us on the big slide...Weeeeeeeeee!

We are painting our drawings of Room 5.  Come and check them out on our wall in our classroom.

Swimming, swimming, swimming!

We LOVE swimming!

"Look at us splashing!  Watch out Shelley, you might get splashed!" Ahhhhhh!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome to school 2015

A big warm welcome to Room 5.  I am the classroom teacher in Room 5 this year.  My name is Shelley Howse.

I am looking forward to getting to know your children throughout the year.  We have a busy time ahead with swimming for the first six weeks and getting to work on our art exhibition in Term 2.

We love learning...

Watch our blog to see what we are upto...