Ko Rāapa tenei ra. Today is Wednesday 6th May
To begin each day, let’s start with the karakia
Activity 1:
How many steps does it take to make
a piece of toast? Rhonda shared this activity with me, what a neat idea...
Making ToastThink about the steps it takes to make a piece of toast.
What do you do first, then next?
What is the last thing you do?
On a piece of paper record the steps you take:
You could draw pictures or use words or labels, I’ve started you off...
3: …
I wonder how many steps it took for you to make a piece of toast?
Activity 2: Numbers around your neighborhood...
Jenny shared this activity with me...
Here are some ideas for maths learning that you can do on walks or bike
rides around your neighbourhood in the next few days.
Find a letterbox number and use it as a starting point to count forwards or
backwards from.
As an extra challenge you could try counting in 2s or 10s, forwards or
backwards from that number.
You could use the seesaw tools to show me what you’ve learnt...
I would love to hear what you have done. You could take a photo
or a video
or draw a picture
record your voice
or you could write a note
Activity 3:
For this activity, our focus is on ‘re telling’ a story…this is a
great learning tool to have...
Find someone in your bubble then retell the story to them…
Re telling means, remembering what happened in the story
and telling another person.
You might like to also draw a picture about your favourite character...
Activity 4:
Activity 5:
read some stories or have them read to you.
Have a look at the follow-up activities too.
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