Monday, June 26, 2017

Ruby's Post on Monday, 26 June 2017

Easy Blog Photo
I have made a toadstool for Fairyland. I'm going to paint it rainbow colours.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The letter 'N'

Tu Tangata! Tu Maia!
Stand Tall!  Reach High!

Here is the 'N' in Tangata.  Everyone in the school, even the office staff, leadership and Migrant mothers are involved and responsible for a letter which we will be displaying as part of our outdoor art exhibition in Term 3.  

We have used wood.  We cut it out with a jigsaw and sanded it down with sandpaper so the edges were smooth.  Then we painted two coats of outdoor house paint to seal the wood.  Now we are thinking about what design we are going to paint on it!  Watch this space for updates...

Starting our fairyland and animal pieces of art...

 The Outdoor Art Exhibition is in Term 3.  We are all contributing pieces of work to make Hamilton East School look spectacular.  Everyone is getting involved...

A jigsaw is being used to cut out this fairy that we are going to seal first with white outdoor house paint, then we are going to use resene colours, then finally when it is finished we will varnish and hopefully our animals and fairies will be able to live outside in the garden.
First we had to draw our picture that we wanted to create onto a piece of board.  We had to make sure it was big enough to cut out with a 'jigsaw'.  

Watch this blog for updates as we go along our art making experience...

Ruben came to visit...

A big hello to Ruben the bear.  Ruben came to teach us all about road safety and what we need to do to keep ourselves safe in our car and on the road and on our bikes.
Yay!  Here is Ruben!  Can you see his helmet?

We have linked together to get ready to cross the road safely.

We got to hold the lollipop sign.  This is used when children cross the road at pedestrian crossings.  It tells cars to stop and wait until everyone is safely across the road.

Ruben the bear is getting ready to cross the road, he has to STOP, Look, Link and Cross.

Here goes Ruben...he is showing two children how to cross the raod safely.
Thank you Ruben for visiting our school, please come again soon.

Our Artists Studio morning

News Flash...
14 artists set up in the Hamilton East School Hall...
We saw painting, drawing, print making, origami, crochet, fabric design, quilting, woodwork, photography and weaving.
Here are some photos that captured this wonderful event.  

A huge thank you to all the artists that took part in our studio experience, the feedback from the students has been very positive. 
And a big thank you to the students who showed maturity and respect for the work that was going on around them.