Thursday, August 14, 2014


We watched a show called Rapunzel...
The actors and actress was very clever at acting many different characters.
Pinochio's nose grew longer, it was funny to watch!

Simon Cowell (Cow) wasn't a nice man, he was a meanie and didn't say very nice things.  He actually made people feel sad and hurt!

Jack and the beanstalk...

We liked Rapunzel, we thought she was a kind person with beautiful hair and a lovely voice!

Rapunzel's sister wasn't very kind either and wanted to be famous!

Simon Cowell (cow) locked Rapunzel in the tower so she couldn't use her voice!

Jack was seriously cool, he was a rapper and he taught Rapunzel how to rap! 

The king was not happy, he did not like his son to rap...

In the end, Rapunzel lived happily ever after...

Room 3 really enjoyed this show...Thank you New Zealand Playhouse for sharing it with us all.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Something funny happened in Room 3...

We have been writing stories about funny things that have happened to us...
This morning something funny happened in our class, we had quite a surprise when we had a new member in Room 3...

She was fluffy and white, calm and peaceful and said 'meow'!

She wasn't very good at writing and drawing though...
Imagine that...a cat that could draw!
I wonder if she will come to school another day...we hope so!